

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Just when you thought you were too old, you get to do it all over again!

How many here actually went to the original Woodstock festival back in 1969? (don't look at ME; I'm only asking!) How many didn't go, but know someone who did? No one? OK, how many have seen the movie? LOL, I'm not trying to call anyone out, or embarrass them. I just know that a lot of people today WOULD have gone if they were around back then. The fact is, we cannot turn back time... or CAN we? That is exactly what the promoters of WOODSTOCK 2013 are trying to do. They have arranged to replicate the original Woodstock performance in Second Life, presenting the same performers in the correct sequence as it occurred over 40 years ago in 1969.

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Rather than try to explain it myself in detail, I'll just paste the wording from the original notecard here:

"WOODSTOCK - 12 Hours of Peace, Love and Music June 1st, 2013, 9am to 9pm.

A Sail For Life/Relay for Life Event benefitting the American Cancer Society.

Presented by BennyTunes Woodstock is a carefully produced recreation of the 1969 event that changed a generation and indeed generations to come. Last year's performance raised nearly $L 1 Million to support the American Cancer Society's Relay For Life with sim-busting crowds all day.

Culled from every available source the music is the most complete and wide ranging performance of this event to be found in Second life.

Remastered and edited for time we present every artist that played at the original event. Included are several full performances including Janis Joplin, Santana, The Who and Jimi Hendrix. All music is presented in the historical order in which it was played at the 1969 festival.

The build done on a complete sim will be the absolutely amazing and is not to be missed. If you didn't come last year and even if you did, you will not want to miss this years performance it will be epic.

For more info visit

Produced by BennyTunes
Benny The Boozehound - Audio
Charlz Price - Build
Fiona Harworth - Scripting
Runa McMillan - Multi Media Textures

Sponsored by the Sail for Life Team
Chaos Mandelbrot - Chairman

-PLEASE NOTE- The event will be held at Yasgurs Farm. The sim is being built this week, May 24th - 31st and it will be open to everyone on Friday 31st of May at noon SLT. Please distribute the LM widely. Thank you!

The Woodstock Production Team"

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This event will not only be great fun, but it will also benefit the American Cancer Society. I sent the landmark out in a 1st Air Commando Group notice, but you can also find it at the above-linked web page. I can't post it here because the sim is temporarily closed for construction, therefore I cannot generate an active SLURL. You can grab the LM in-world from past notices in the 1st Air group.

Does anyone know how to do videos from Second Life? I'd look forward to seeing some well-made videos of this, posted on YouTube.

I hope to see you all there. Don't forget to dig out your old tie-dye stuff and bell-bottoms (assuming they still fit!). This is going to be fun!


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