I searched for an in-world store, but I had no luck. His airport appears to have been closed, at least for now. If anyone has a LM for his new location, please let me know and I'll post it here. At any rate, here is the picture that I wrongly credited to another builder:
Here is a close-up; you can plainly see the builder's mark. My bad.
Meanwhile, as long as I've begun another post, I'll share a few more photos of the show.
Above, a view of another variant of AMOK's popular UH-60 Blackhawk. There are many like it, but this one is mine. :)
The AT AH-6 'Little Bird' is shown in the picture above. It features a menu to change the color from black to Desert Tan.
The above two pictures illustrate the amount of detail that went into Milestone's fantastic CH-54 'Skycrane'. This helicopter has the ability to actually carry an external load in Second Life, providing for a considerable amount of entertainment value, as well as for a lot of fun!
More Milestone detail, this time in their Bell UH-1D 'Iroquois', better-known as the venerable Huey. Several versions are available, this one being the USAF rescue version.
Above, a cute little pink girly copter. Not everything has to be all military and war-like.
Not quite sure what these are (above), but I have to assume that they are different versions of a Mesh helicopter of some sort. (As seen through an older and less-laggy viewer)
Overall, this has been quite a show. It will continue today through Sunday morning, so if you have been following along but have not had a chance to visit, you still have some time. Again, here is the location of Tag Airport.
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