I am going to close by posting a few more pictures from the show. I hope you enjoy them.
Zipperhead Wurgle, owner of Tag Airport and sponsor of this fantastic helicopter show.
A Milestone Huey in RNZAF (New Zealand) markings. Notice the 'sugar scoop' IR suppressor, which was an early attempt to prevent enemy shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles from obtaining a lock on the helicopter's hot turbine exhaust gasses.
Yet another Bell UH-1D 'Huey' helicopter; this one is owned and displayed by D.A. Admiral, of the popular Dogs on the Run aviation group (aka DOR).
Sikorsky S-51, by Patrick Lawson of Real Flight aircraft corporation.
Boeing-Vertol CH-46 'Sea Knight', also by Real Flight.
Sikorsky S-64 Skycrane (civilian version of the CH-54) in the colorful Erickson Air Crane markings; this one is by Real Flight (Patrick Lawson). This helicopter is displayed with its underslung fire-fighting module.
Another view of the same helicopter. It's hard to tell what the white box is in the background, but I think it is a new Russian helicopter. It's Mesh, which does not load properly in my older-but-less-laggy browser. Oh, well; some day we will all be forced by LL to use the newer browser anyway, and then I'll get to see what it was supposed to look like. :)
Yeah, a big Russian helicopter. My friend couldn't tell what it was, either. I'm sure it's really good though.
I'm looking forward to next year's annual helicopter show at Tag Airport. I was sorry to see it all come to an end, but perhaps there are other events planned. Stay tuned right here to be the among the very first to find out!
'Til next time...
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