

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Helicopter Show, Part Deux

So far, the helicopter show at Tag City Airport has been a huge success. I have visited the show several times, and there's always at least a few people there. Each time I go there, it seems as if there are even more helicopters on display. I suppose I should have counted them, but maybe that's something YOU could do. Let me know what you come up with. At any rate, I'm sure the number will be impressive.

As promised, here are more photos from the show. Enjoy!

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The Sikorsky Sea King (above) is another helicopter from Pretender Broome. Like his orange one shown in my previous posting (to which I supplied a Marketplace URL), this helicopter is only L$150, which is a steal by today's standards. I'm adding one to my collection; I think you should too! Very nicely done.

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Above: Another EC-135, this time by Creatif Design. A prospective helicopter buyer in Second Life really does have a lot to choose from.

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The colorful fire-fighting version of AMOK's popular UH-60 Blackhawk series is depicted above.

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This is Real Flight's Sikorsky S-51, made by Patrick Lawson, and available on Marketplace.

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Above is the gunship version of Milestone's excellent UH-1B/C. As I said before, Milestone's helicopters have flight characteristics far superior to all others available in Second Life. Did I mention that they're a lot of fun?

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Spartan's BIG CH-47 Chinook (above).

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Shown above is the Hughes TH-55 from P2 E Teles. The interesting thing about this tiny helicopter is that it has a drop-down color-change menu, so you can easily personalize it, even if you don't posses building skills.

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The USAF UH-1D shown above is yet another great Milestone helicopter. There is an entire series of these, including different military branches as well as civilian versions. You owe it to yourself to get at least one. These are a lot of fun to fly, and they include two versions in the box: one has the good script, and the other has the more standard SL-type script that most other helicopters use.

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Some colorful helicopters; I have no idea whose.

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My display area. Yes, I own quite a few helicopters. There is no better time than now to start your own collection. If you have any questions on where to get these or any others, feel free to contact me in-world, and I'll do my best to send you in the right direction.

Until next time...


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